Good evening,

Today the president of the United States signed two executive orders related to our country. One to implement migratory measures, and another to extend the wall along the border.

In response, I have ordered that the foreign relations committee strengthen measures to protect our citizens. The 50 Mexican consulates in the United States will become advocates for the rights of migrants. Our communities are not alone, the Mexican government will provide them with the legal advice that guarantees the protection they require. I call on lawmakers and civil society organizations to join efforts to support them.Where there is a Mexican migrant at risk who needs our support, there we must be, there must be your country.

I regret and condemn the decision of the United States to continue building a wall that for years, far from uniting us, divides us. Mexico does not believe in walls, I have said it over and over, Mexico will not pay for the wall.

These executive orders also occur at a time when our country is initiating talks to negotiate the new rules of cooperation, trade, investment, security and migration in the North American region. This negotiation is very important for the strength, certainty and future of our economy and our society.

As President of the Republic, I fully assume the responsibility to defend and care for the interests of Mexico and Mexicans.It is my duty to face the problems and face the challenges. Based on the final report of the Mexican officials currently in Washington and after consultation with the representation of the Senate Chamber and the National Governors Conference, I will make decisions about what to do next.

Mexico offers and demands respect, as the fully sovereign nation that we are. Mexico re-affirms its friendship with the people of the United States, and its willingness to reach agreements with its government, agreements that are in favor of Mexico and Mexicans.

Thank you very much.

Translation of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto’s speech by VOA Spanish

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